Monday, April 4, 2011


Hi friends,

Well I just want to say that God is so awesome. I am so excited about all the things that he is arranging in my life. To start with work is going so well. God has allowed things to work out and things will be a lot less stressful. He has also blessed me with a great new schedule that will allow me to accomplish the things that He has placed in my heart to do.

I am so glad that I have learned that I have to do things for myself. It is amazing how I feel since even the last time that I blogged. I feel like I have a ton of bricks lifted off my shoulders.

Bailey started daycare this past week at her new daycare. It seems like she really likes it and her Daddy is really liking getting to spend more time with her. And that makes mommy a happy camper. Both to see them boding and cause it gives me a break.

So the thing that I am the most excited about is what happened at the gym last friday. I went in to get my assesment done. I was expecting them to show me around and give me some instruction on how to use the equipment. I walk out with so much more. I met an incredibel trainer that wants to use her tallents that God has given her to help others. And guess what she picked me. She wants to train me two days a week. And perfect for me they are the two days that Lisa was not going with me. I worked out with my trainer for the first time today and loved it. I feel so good. I am excited about what is to come. Last Thurs I felt so hopeless. I wanted to give up. I remember praying and asking God to help me. And he did. I woke up Friday morning Not wanting to go to the gym and had all the excuses in the world. But then I remembered that I had that appointment. I am so glad that I went. I am starting to feel a lot more confident in the gym. I am begining to like going to gym. I have really suprised myself at all that I have accomplished in the last few weeks. I know that I am going to be sucessful. I am striving to keep the word "cant" out of my vocabulary. My eating has been going ok. I am under calorie today. YaY! I am praying for more and more days like this.

My mom, dad and sister went to my aunt and uncles this last week. Dad did really good. He got to see his aunts. They came home on Sat. He has been really tired and slept most of the day on Sunday. I was so glad to see him. I wish that I could see him more. I love him so much. They really missed Bailey while they were gone so she is going to spend the week with them.

This weekend we are going to see Sesame Street Live. I am so excited that it is not even funny. Growing up we never got a chance to do stuff like this. I am glad that we are able to take Bailey. I hope that she really likes it. We got really good seats. We are on the forth row yay! And we are getting to go with our friend Lauren and her son Tristan. It is funny that I am just as excited about taking Tristan as I am about Bailey.

Last night Matt and I went to Prayer Meeting at Elife. It was really incredible. God was moving. I got to see my friend Hope. I am so excited about the relationship that God is developeing between she and I. God really speaks to me through her. I am still processing what He used her to tell me tonight. I am really convicted after church that I have not shared Christ with my family in the way that I would have shared with others in my Oikos. God would you help me to have the courage to be bold in my faith.

Hope that you guys have a great week.


1 comment:

  1. So glad to know that things are well with you right now. Holding firmly onto God is the only way we can survive! The blog looks great! I'm sorry that I'm just now getting to see it, but I'm purposely weening myself from so much Facebook... lol I have email to keep up with and my own blog that's been dormant for about two months- oops! Just wanted to check in on you real quick... Will return!
